This article covers:
Selecting a Resource
Find a New Resource
1. Select VR Ready - This will take you to all resources that are compatible in VR.
2. Choose a Simulation
3. Choose Save to My Activity to save the resource to your profile
4. Click Launch to launch the resource
5: Put on the Headset, Open the Inspirit App, and Enter the 4 Digit Code
This action can be completed on multiple headsets if you're viewing as a class.
Once you enter the code in the headset, you are able to walk through the VR experience.
Accessing a Saved Resource
1. Click My Activity found at the top right of any page on the Inspirit website
2. Under the Saved for Later heading, you'll find all the resources that you have saved. Click on the title and you'll be taken back to the resource.
Related Article(s)
Inspirit Resource Library, Saving a Resource to Your Profile, Launching a Resource in VR
Still Need Help?
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team for help. You can submit a ticket in our help center and someone will get back to you shortly (usually within 24 hours).